Application of pragmatics in the classroom. Proposal for teaching apologies in native language, second language and foreign language
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Diego Jiménez
Universidad de Sevilla
Marina Maza
Universidad de Sevilla
Joanna Milewska
Universidad de Sevilla
Juan Pablo Mora
Universidad de Sevilla
Pragmatics has taken on an important dimension becoming a well-studied discipline with many different research opportunities. In this regard, we are assuming this importance as a pretext to focus this proposal on teaching of Spanish. Within the field of pragmatics we set our sights on the manner of making apologies. In order to do that, we propose some activities that facilitate learning of this particular aspect in three different contexts with their respective recipients, namely students of the native language (NL), of the second language (L2), and of the foreign language (FL).
Mother Tongue, Second Language, Foreign Language, Pragmatics, Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language.
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How to Cite
Jiménez, Diego et al. “Application of pragmatics in the classroom. Proposal for teaching apologies in native language, second language and foreign language”. Doblele: revista de lengua y literatura, vol.VOL 2, pp. 24-35,
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