More grammar, more than grammar. On Cognitive Linguistics and teaching of Spanish as a foreign language

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Zeina Alhmoud
Alejandro Castañeda Castro
The preponderance in linguistics, especially during the latter part of the 20th century, of the models based on the  Chomskyan orientation has led to a non-convenient dissociation between the priorities of the description and formalist linguistic explanation, and the characteristic needs of the foreign languages teaching field, especially the ones related to the communicative- oriented didactic models and the ones derived from them. This  article presents some reflections from which different conclusions  are deduced; these are related with the orientation that teaching grammar contents can adopt in the Spanish classroom if we follow the characteristic point of view of the cognitive linguistics in general, and the cognitive grammar in particular.
teaching, Spanish as foreign language, cognitive grammar

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How to Cite
Alhmoud, Zeina; and Castañeda Castro, Alejandro. “More grammar, more than grammar. On Cognitive Linguistics and teaching of Spanish as a foreign language”. Doblele: revista de lengua y literatura, vol.VOL 1, pp. 102-35,