Justice and wildlife: two case studies about environmental illegal activities of the federal order associated to the jaguar in Mexico

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Ángel Daen Morales García
Jonatán Job Morales García
This work addresses the protection of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in the Mexican normative context, and we present two case studies about the legal defense of this species affected by anthropogenic hunting, obtaining in both cases a sanctioning resolution from the environmental governmental authority. We conclude that these actions set a precedent in the jaguar conservation through the law.
jaguar, biodiversity, conservation, environmental justice, environmental law, animal law.

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How to Cite
Morales García, Ángel Daen; and Morales García, Jonatán Job. “Justice and wildlife: two case studies about environmental illegal activities of the federal order associated to the jaguar in Mexico”. DA. Derecho Animal. Forum of Animal Law Studies, vol.VOL 9, no. 3, pp. 92-107, https://raco.cat/index.php/da/article/view/349339.
Author Biographies

Ángel Daen Morales García, Biofutura A.C.

Abogado postulante en materia ambiental y bioderecho, Vicepresidente de Biofutura A.C., miembro de la Alianza Nacional para la Conservación del Jaguar, miembro de la Comisión Mundial de Derecho Ambiental (WCEL) y de la Comisión Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (WCPA) de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN). Embajador de CoalitionWILD.

Jonatán Job Morales García, Biofutura A.C.

Investigador de Biofutura A.C., México