Book review Le droit animalier

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Raffaela Cersosimo
The first edition of the book “Le droit animalier“, written by Professors Jean-Pierre Marguénaud, Florence Burgat and Jacques Leroy, has been published by Presse Universitaire de France in March 2016. As its title promises, this is an academic work dealing with a field of law related to animals, called “droit animalier”, which is on the rise in France. The release of this book has been preceded by a major change of legislation concerning the status of animals in the Civil Code. Introduced by Law n° 2015-177 of 16 February 2015, Article 515-14 of Civil Code proclaims that “animals are living and sentient beings”.

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How to Cite
Cersosimo, Raffaela. “Book review Le droit animalier”. DA. Derecho Animal. Forum of Animal Law Studies, vol.VOL 8, no. 2, pp. 1-6,