La tecnología en el cuerpo. Biomecánica de los quilombolas en dos selvas brasileñas

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Aníbal García Arregui
I want to suggest a technological lecture of the uses of the body in two Brazilian forests. The aim is to discuss three topics: 1) technology is a consequence of science, 2) technology is inseparable from the artefact, 3) technology is what separates us from nature. In front of this, I will construct other three topics: 1) science is a consequence of technology, 2) technology is prior to the artefact, 3) technology is what gets us into the nature.

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How to Cite
García Arregui, Aníbal. “La tecnología en el cuerpo. Biomecánica de los quilombolas en dos selvas brasileñas”. (con)textos: revista d’antropologia i investigació social, no. 1, pp. 23-40,