Media Coverage of Colombia's Peace Settlement at the Beginning of Ivan Duque's Rule. Between Pessimism and Negativity

Main Article Content

Carlos Andrés Charry Joya
Diego García Ramírez
Germán Ortiz Leiva

The objective of this article is to analyze the way in which some of the main Colombian media have addressed the issue of the peace process and the implementation of the agreements reached with the extinct FARC guerrilla. The first section deals with the informative dimension of news, as a general conceptual framework that allows identifying its dimensions and characteristics. In the second section, the climate of opinion that has been created in Colombia after the taking-up of President Iván Duque is addressed. Finally, in the third section, and from a perspective based on mixed methods, we analyze the main information trends reproduced by the Colombian media with respect to the peace process and the implementation of the agreements during the first months of the new government. The article ends with some conclusions, which present some of the possible consequences of bad news in public opinion processes in Colombia today.

peace agreements, media, journalism, bad news, Colombia, mixed methods.

Article Details

How to Cite
Charry Joya, Carlos Andrés et al. “Media Coverage of Colombia’s Peace Settlement at the Beginning of Ivan Duque’s Rule. Between Pessimism and Negativity”. Clivatge. Revista d’estudis i testimonis sobre els conflictes i els canvis socials, no. 7,
Author Biographies

Carlos Andrés Charry Joya, Universidad de Rosario

Profesor de Carrera de la Universidad del Rosario. Programa de Sociología. Director de la Maestría en Estudios Sociales. Grupo de Investigación en Ética Aplicada, Trabajo y Cambio Social. Investigador del Observatorio del Conflicto Social

Diego García Ramírez, Universidad de Rosario

Profesor de Carrera de la Universidad del Rosario. Programa de Periodismo y Opinión Publica. Grupo de Investigación en Ética Aplicada, Trabajo y Cambio Social

Germán Ortiz Leiva, Universidad de Rosario

Profesor de Carrera de la Universidad del Rosario. Programa de Periodismo y Opinión Publica. Grupo de Investigación en Ética Aplicada, Trabajo y Cambio Social