Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry

ISSN papel: : 0001-9704
ISSN electrónico: 2339-9686

Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry

Afinidad es una revista peer-reviewed editada por la AIQS. Se fundó en el 1921 y es una de las revistas especializadas en química más antiguas que existen. Publica 3 números al año que contienen artículos especializados en química, ingeniería química, química de procesos y biotecnología. Desde 2007 se publica solo en versión electrónica y está indexada en WOS, SCOPUS, MIAR, Dialnet, Latindex, and Google Schoolar.

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Último número

Vol. 81 Núm. 604 (2024)

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Afinidad (Autor/a)
Información editorial
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E. Segredo-Morales, O. Díaz, D. Pérez, E. González (Autor/a)
Analysis and future trends of cyclodextrins as adsorbents in wastewater treatment
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R. Mujal-Rosas, M. Marin-Genescà, X. Colom-Fajula, X. Salueña- Berna (Autor/a)
Dielectric characteristics of various polymers (pvc, hdpe, eva, pp, ps, pa, and abs) reinforced with out of use tires (gtr)
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Miguel Ángel Delgado Canto, Alberto Palma López, Claudia Román, Samuel David Fernández Silva, Moisés García Morales (Autor/a)
Improvements in skill-based learning in chemical engineering laboratory practicals through the use of flipped classroom methodology assited by video tutorial
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Dulce María González-Mosquera, Yannarys Hernández-Ortega , Eliannet Orellana-Rodríguez, Idalmis Karina Ojeda-González , Matheus Gigante-Silva , Pedro César Quero-Jiménez (Autor/a)
Hemolytic activity of saponins from the leaves and stems of the specie Boldoa purpurascens Cav., determined by HPLC – UV: Validation of the method
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José Cruz Muñoz-Esparza, José Enrique Jaime-Leal (Autor/a)
A Novel Metaheuristic Algorithm Inspired by the Flow of a Stream of Water
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Luis Moncayo-Molina, Jaime O. Rojas-Molina, Jorge A. Pino, Iraida Spengler, Christian M. Moncayo-Rivera (Autor/a)
Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil of Eudema nubigena Humb. & Bonpl.
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Leyanet Odales-Bernal, Yasmani Alba Reyes, Wendy L. Duharte, Lisbet Mailin López González, Edelbis López-Dávila, Ernesto L. Barrera, Frederik Ronsse (Autor/a)
Energy and nutrient potential of chicken manure: Case study of mechanized and traditional farms
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Lisbet Mailin López González, Ileana Pereda Reyes, Ana María Espinosa Negrín, Osvaldo Romero Romero (Autor/a)
Antagonistic effect of the anaerobic co-digestion of thermoalkaline pretreated press mud fractions with vinasse
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