Effect of pressure in the filtration operation on the suspension to be purified of Furvina

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Díaz Molina, María Isabel et al. “Effect of pressure in the filtration operation on the suspension to be purified of Furvina”. Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, vol.VOL 80, no. 600, pp. 284-91, doi:10.55815/422407.


The influence of pressure on the filtration operation of the Furvina suspension is studied. From the established suspension volume, the average amount of Furvina, alcohol, and carbon to be used is determined. The experiments were carried out in a range of initial pressure values of 44 139.65 Pa and 91 712.37 Pa to determine the filtrate volume and filtration time. The density of Furvina 0.73 g/ mL and the viscosity of the filtrate suspension of Furvina, 7.931x10-4 Pa.s, physical properties not previously determined and essential to determine the resistance of the filter medium (Rm) and the specific resistance of the cake (α) at different pressure values, are determined. It is concluded that the cake is compressible because its specific resistance (α) increases from 1.083x1012 m/kg
to 2.15085x1012 m/kg with increasing pressure, which is demonstrated by the MANN-WHITNEY U analysis  of variance, not having the same behavior on the filter media resistance (Rm). At pressures of 49033.26 Pa and 88259.87 Pa, the performance of the operation is 60.74 % and 74.34 % respectively, which shows an increase in performance for each batch and a decrease in the impact on the environment.


  • filtration
  • Furvina
  • pressure
  • filters media
  • filter cake