Acetone cyclic triperoxide (ACTP), in its crystalline form, is considered a sensitive and powerful peroxide based explosive. ACTP has been prepared in the laboratory in order to calculate itskinetic and thermodynamic paràmetres in some aliphatic alcohols (ethanol, 2-butanol, 2-propanol, and 1-propanol) purified by treatment with disodium saltof ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid to remove traces of metallic ions. The reaction was studied at an initial concentration ca. 0.02 M showing a behavior according to a pseudo first-order kinetic law up to at least ca. 60 % ACTP conversion. The kinetic parameters have been correlated with the physicochemical properties of the alcohols selected. The reaction is accelerated in secondary alcohols but the reactivity is still higher in solvents non-treated with Na2-EDTA. Probably a different mechanism of reaction is operative in the presence of metallic ions. The activation paramethers were investigated through an isokinetic relationship.
- Triacetone triperoxide
- chemical kinetic
- thermolysisin alcohols.