New consumption models for audiovisual products: the effects of binge-watching on young university students
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Juan Francisco Hernández Pérez
Miguel Ángel Martínez Díaz
The entertainment industry has seen the viewer as a taxable person. However, technological disruption that was the digitization of audiovisual signal has become consumers of these products in active users. This paradigm shift has led to the emergence of a new mode of access that has changed the relationship between audience and content. The origin of this revolution is the widespread use of Internet tools (P2P networks, streaming, cyberlockers, etc.) that allow the free exchange of any audiovisual product outside of any trade restriction. Thus, the exponential increase of titles available online for immediate consumption, easy access and zero or very low cost, has stimulated a new form of consumption, especially in relation to television fiction series. This state, defined as binge-watching, has modified consumer behavior, which has a direct impact on traditional media. In addition, this new phenomenon affects the behavior of viewer habits (hygiene, sleep, etc.) for uninterrupted viewing of audiovisual products. Thus, from the theory of Uses and Effects and basing observation on an empirical study, the main focus of this research is to analyze the effects that this new model of audiovisual consumption has on young students.
audiences, fiction series, binge-watching, young people, university students
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How to Cite
Hernández Pérez, Juan Francisco; and Martínez Díaz, Miguel Ángel. “New consumption models for audiovisual products: the effects of binge-watching on young university students”. AdComunica. Revista Científica de Estrategias, Tendencias e Innovación en Comunicación, no. 13, pp. 201-2,