The site of Roca dels Bous and the Route of Origins : research, education and tourism

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Xavier Roda Gilabert
Paloma González Marcén
Rafael Mora
Jorge Martínez-Moreno
Roca dels Bous (Camarasa, Lleida) is an archaeological site in which Neanderthals occupations, dated to the late Middle Paleolithic, have been documented. Regular fieldworks have been conducted from 2000 directed by the Reseach Centre of Prehistory Archaeological Heritage of the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona (CEPAP-UAB). Within the framework of the Origins Project (POCTEFA EFA127/09), works have been aimed at providing the needed infrastructures to permit its opening to the general public. This public access program has as an objective to promote the interaction among visitors and archaeological site, linking the specific characteristics of the Paleolithic archaeological data with the information provided by digital interfaces. In this sense, digital technologies as principal communication strategy have been implemented. Nowadays, visitors are supplied with digital touch screen devices (iPad) which guide them through the visit while providing visitors audiovisual information about the site.
Musealización, Puesta en valor, TIC, Paleolítico medio, Roca dels Bous, Museïtzació, Posada en valor, Paleolític mitjà, Musealization, Enhancement, ICT, Middle Palaeolithic

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How to Cite
Roda Gilabert, Xavier et al. “The site of Roca dels Bous and the Route of Origins : research, education and tourism”. Treballs d’Arqueologia, no. 19, pp. 81-92,

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