Preliminares de la traducción: dos antologías de poesía francesa cruzadas

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Santiago Venturini
This essay compares two anthologies of French poetry published in Argentina during the last thirty years: Poetas franceses contemporáneos (1974), compiled by the poet Raúl Gustavo Aguirre and Poesía francesa contemporánea (1997), and prepared by the poet Jorge Fondebrider. The analysis of paratexts in each collection (prefaces, introductions, notes) is intended to highlight the determining participation of the translator that constructs a specific meaning for the foreign text when translating it.

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Com citar
Venturini, Santiago. “Preliminares de la traducción: dos antologías de poesía francesa cruzadas”. Transfer: revista electrónica sobre traducción e interculturalidad, vol.VOL 5, no. 2, pp. 1-15,