Análisis del léxico especializado de los procesos y recursos formativos en el entorno académico del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en ruso y en español
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Oksana Polyakova
Miguel Ángel Candel-Mora
The gradual incorporation of Spain (1999) and Russia (2003)
in the Bologna Process has revealed the need to study the common
specialized vocabulary. The methodology followed in this work
combines terminological analysis and corpus linguistics studies
applied to the domain of processes and academic resources and
leads to a more accessible parallel terminology (Spanish-Russian).
in the Bologna Process has revealed the need to study the common
specialized vocabulary. The methodology followed in this work
combines terminological analysis and corpus linguistics studies
applied to the domain of processes and academic resources and
leads to a more accessible parallel terminology (Spanish-Russian).
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How to Cite
Polyakova, Oksana; and Candel-Mora, Miguel Ángel. “Análisis del léxico especializado de los procesos y recursos formativos en el entorno académico del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en ruso y en español”. Terminàlia, pp. 24-31,