Higher education and society in Mexico: 21st century challenges

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Hugo Casanova Cardiel
In this paper, the author reviews the evolution of higher education in Mexico. After a historical overview of the origin and development of Mexican university, he analyses the different factors that define higher education in that country. Although most universities in Mexico are public, in recent decades the presence of the private sector has increased. Over the same period, after substantial growth, Mexican higher education has gone through several assessment and accreditation processes and quality assurance programs. The paper also reviews the professional status of university teaching staff and analyses the Mexican higher education system from an economic perspective. The paper ends with an appraisal of the challenges and prospects for higher education in Mexico in the 21st Century.

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How to Cite
Casanova Cardiel, Hugo. “Higher education and society in Mexico: 21st century challenges”. Temps d’Educació, no. 36, pp. 261-80, https://raco.cat/index.php/TempsEducacio/article/view/139994.