La influència de Paulo Freire en l'educació d'adults als països de parla anglesa

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Peter Jarvis
This article maintains that Freire is well known, read and quoted iR English-speaking developed countries. After mentioning the books published the to put forward his concept of education, it summarizes the controversy stirred up around the assessment of his contributions. The article states that this influence, with noteworthy excepcions, does not extend to its implementation. When this has been attempted, ít has been shown that there is a difference between the context in which his ideas emerged and that of certain countries where the uses of power are more subtle. His prestige even reaches the establishment, which rejects other radical pedagogues. They see him as a hero of the people who is far away from home.

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How to Cite
Jarvis, Peter. “La influència de Paulo Freire en l’educació d’adults als països de parla anglesa”. Temps d’Educació, no. 1, pp. 77-89,