L'avaluació d'activitats i projectes d'animació teatral
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Xavier Úcar
Theater is an interdisciplinary meeting point in which culture, education and art get together in a such a way that it is difficult to distinguish each one of them and their practice. We are faced to a complex approach aimed at an¡ also complex target. The objective of this paper is to transit among these complexities and to elaborate not only a solution book to possible situations or problems but a reflection guide that offers the necessary resources to deal with theater activity and project development in an enriching and ever improving way. To reach these goals, the analysis has been structured in two different parts. In the first one, forms and senses developed by evaluation throughout the past century are analyzed. Its objective is to propose a conceptual and modernized framework for all evaluation processes to be implemented in theater projects. In the second part, the conceptual framework is specified within the practice of these projects.
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How to Cite
Úcar, Xavier. “L’avaluació d’activitats i projectes d’animació teatral”. Temps d’Educació, no. 26, pp. 319-43, https://raco.cat/index.php/TempsEducacio/article/view/126362.