Strategies for Well-being in New Work Spaces: A Case Study in a Post-Pandemic Context
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People's priorities have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with impacts on architectural experiences and work spaces in particular as teleworking and technology have become increasingly relevant in this new reality. Moreover, there is increased interest in the impact that spaces have on health, productivity and well-being as variables such as lighting, acoustics, biophilia, shape, composition, size and more influence perception and emotional, cognitive and behavioural states.
Evidence-based design makes it possible to scientifically understand information about the situations present before and after an action, providing a more holistic view of the phenomenon through parameterisation and producing an impact on decision-making as seen in the case of this study.
This article presents a case study developed through a mixed methodology that combines theoretical research methods to gain scientific knowledge on the topic and trends in the sector, as well as empirical methods to study the specific context of the corporate headquarters at Tous in Manresa.
As to the theoretical side of the paper, we have conducted a literature review in the WOS (Web of Science) database, complemented by two trend reports on the future of workspaces.
Regarding the empirical study, we programmed three different sources to compile data from workers at different times, spaces and platforms. In parallel, we measured the parameters of the built environment in different locations over two work days.
Among the results, the following stand out: the universe of relationships, evidenced by cross-disciplinary departments such as HR (human resources) and IT (computer technology), as well as the relationship between the Product, Sales, R&D and After-Sales departments; the status of employees, with neutral or positive values in cognitive states, and of the environment, space lacking colour and with little brightness and neutral in terms of light colour, atmosphere and ventilation; the detection of the positive aspects to improve and to incorporate; and the measurement of the physical parameters of the environment, high noise level, CO2 within the comfort range, high temperatures and over illuminated or poorly lit spaces, and their perception.
Finally, we propose scientific evidence and trends arising from the relationship between objective and subjective data as a result of design strategies focused on people's well-being. These results are taken as the basis for making the changes implemented within a space.
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(c) María José Araya León, Ainoa Abella Garcia, 2022
María José Araya León, Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering (UVic-UCC); and University of Santiago of Chile
María José Araya holds a PhD in Architecture from the International University of Catalonia and Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering. She is licensed as an Architect from the University of Santiago of Chile (2006). She holds a Master's Degree in Design for Industrial Product Development from the Polytechnic University of Milan (2012), and a Bachelor's Degree in Ergonomics from the University of Santiago of Chile.
Her main research areas focus on ergonomics, the biological basis of the architectural experience and the biology of observation in design processes.
In parallel to her professional career as an independent architect (Factos and maLeon Architecture & Design), she began her academic career in the areas of Architecture and Design at various Chilean universities. She has also served an associate researcher with the University of Santiago of Chile and Elisava since 2015.
In addition, she participates in various projects on the interaction between the built environment, human beings and their holistic well-being, connected to people's biological and psychological responses. She also leads people on issues of entrepreneurship and innovation associated with promoting creative industries.
Finally, her varied collaborations with Chilean and Italian architecture studios and her ongoing work as a freelance professional are worth highlighting.
Ainoa Abella Garcia, Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering (UVic-UCC)
Ainoa Abella holds a PhD in Statistics and Operational Research from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Industrial Design Engineering from Elisava (2015). In 2015 she completed the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary and Baccalaureate Education, Vocational Training, with a specialisation in Technology from Blanquerna (URL).
She is currently a professor and scientific researcher within the research line Decoding Well-being at Elisava Research where she participates in academic and private research projects with companies and collaborates with both Spanish and international institutions.
Her works and publications focus on the parameterisation of emotions, well-being and the perception of materials through Kansei engineering and applying statistics and data visualisation to design.
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