Temes de Disseny #36 - Design Futures Now: Literacies and Making
Posted on 2019-12-02The 36th issue of Temes de Disseny will focus on Design Futures Now: Literacies and Making, and aims to bring experts from different disciplines to share their knowledge. This issue of Temes de Disseny addresses a mix of topics concerning how design literacies and design making may be understood as ‘future facing’. By doing so, we convey the ways and means design practice and design education may be positioned and activated to work prospectively and be ahead of current concerns with environmental, social and ethical challenges.
- Unpacking Futures Design Literacies
- Futures Making Design Methodologies
- Design Futures Skills and Activities
- Emergent Futures Scouting in Design Knowing
- Designing Futures Pedagogies Collectively
- Challenges to Prospective Design
- Speculating and Imagining Design Futures Learning
- Tools, mediation and materialities in Design Futures Education
- Scenarios, personas and procedures in futurescaping Design
- Sustainability, Policy and Prospects in Design Literacies
- Future challenges from AI and post-industrial work and society
To be published in 2020.
Guest Editors: Andrew Morrison, Laura Clèries.