Els novíssims dissenyadors
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Alessandro Mendini
One of the most interesting points at issue in the current polemic of «Design Projects» is an eventual encounter between designers and artists.
Painting and Colouring imply a visual concept only, with no further views on usefulness and its organization. The young designer concentrates on himself, centering his attention on elements of visual thought and supported by one only hypothesis: the painted object is alive It is in this way that we grasp the Painting Design. It is necessary to have a personal vision of the world because of the insufficiency of the project's truthfulness. Only an intellectual loneliness can give place to this sort of contribution.
Em sembla que un dels punts més interessants de l'actual problemàtica del «Projecte de Disseny», consisteix en el possible enfrontament (o topada, o polèmica, o potser només relació) entre el dissenyador-artista i l'artista-dissenyador.
Painting and Colouring imply a visual concept only, with no further views on usefulness and its organization. The young designer concentrates on himself, centering his attention on elements of visual thought and supported by one only hypothesis: the painted object is alive It is in this way that we grasp the Painting Design. It is necessary to have a personal vision of the world because of the insufficiency of the project's truthfulness. Only an intellectual loneliness can give place to this sort of contribution.
Em sembla que un dels punts més interessants de l'actual problemàtica del «Projecte de Disseny», consisteix en el possible enfrontament (o topada, o polèmica, o potser només relació) entre el dissenyador-artista i l'artista-dissenyador.
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Com citar
Mendini, Alessandro. “Els novíssims dissenyadors”. Temes de Disseny, no. 2, pp. 55-56, https://raco.cat/index.php/Temes/article/view/29048.
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