El procés de disseny i les tecnologies de tractament de la informació
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Josep M. Martí i Font
This paper presents the reflections of a design professional who is confronted with the new computering facilities at his disposal. The following aspects are dealt with: the typical reactions of professionals when faced with these new facilities, a brief consideration of the initial misfunctions these new means may bring about, an account of the technical achievements which have made them available and finally a reflection on the software inventory of use to the designer; in reference to the latter, the author puts forth the idea that not only are the CAD-CAM «packs» necessary —as one might conclude from a superficial survey—,but also all the other software instruments that have a direct incidence on the storage and handling of indispensable information for the process of development of the design project.
The article also includes a bibliographical list of european and american magazine articles that refer to the subjects mencioned in this paper.
The article also includes a bibliographical list of european and american magazine articles that refer to the subjects mencioned in this paper.
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Com citar
Martí i Font, Josep M. “El procés de disseny i les tecnologies de tractament de la informació”. Temes de Disseny, no. 2, pp. 31-35, https://raco.cat/index.php/Temes/article/view/29045.
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