El disseny i les formes artesanals

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Jordi Pericot
In this paper we intend to analyse and consider the impact of present technologies on the sphere of industrial design. especial in what refers to the overcoming of the traditional dichotom between «craftsman process and industrial pracess of production»

With the advent of new technologies, industry is ready to appropiate many values which it had been unable to adapt to its system before. and which it had been forced to reject. from feeling of impotence. in the name of a particular kind of functionalism that was presented as a universal value.

Among these changes one may mention the disappearance of the old problem of ornamentation applied to industrial object without betrayrng, therefore, the inherent qualities of the mass produced objects. Another aspect that is definitely overcome by these changes is the rigidness that results from a preestablishe industrial design of unique objects, to which the individual has to adjust. The new forms of computenzed production have enable the creation of flexible objects in continual construction, in the search of individual participation and compromise.

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Com citar
Pericot, Jordi. “El disseny i les formes artesanals”. Temes de Disseny, no. 2, pp. 15-20, https://raco.cat/index.php/Temes/article/view/29042.