Notes sur quelques travaux récents effectués dans le champ catalano-occitan médiéval (1994-2011)

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Danièle Iancu-Agou
These concise notes offer an overview of my recent contributions on Jews in the medieval Catalano-Occitan world. After revisiting the content of my first contribution (Affinités historiques et interférences
culturelles chez les communautés juives de lespace occitano-catalan, Mossé ben Nahman
Symposium, 1994) to the work of the marvellous Catalan school, mention is made
of my participation in the panel that assessed Manuel Forcanos thesis (La lletra apologètica
de R. Iedaia ha-Penini) at the University of Barcelona in 1999, and of the opportunity
I was afforded thanks to the sorely missed Eduard Feliu to examine the books
confiscated in Girona following the Disputation of Tortosa and to attempt to draw a
comparison with the manuscripts in circulation in Provence in the same period (Materia
giudaica, 2001).
I have been able to contribute to the as-yet unpublished proceedings of the 3rd and
the 4th Conference for the Study of Jews in Catalan-speaking Territories (Perpignan and
Barcelona, 2007; and Barcelona and Valencia, 2010) by providing new prosopographical
material on the Abigdors of Arles, a renowned family of physicians and translators, and by adding 80 new names to the list of Juifs aragonais et castillans en transit, installés ou convertis à Marseille. Documents inédits (1488-1508). This brief review ends with a reference to A History of Jewish Catalonia (2009), an interesting
publication that by no means overlooks Languedoc.

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How to Cite
Iancu-Agou, Danièle. “Notes sur quelques travaux récents effectués dans le champ catalano-occitan médiéval (1994-2011)”. Tamid, vol.VOL 8, pp. 131-40,