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2011: Vol.: 15
No More Children! : An Assessment of China’s One-Child Policy Thirty Years after its Introduction.
Daniel Gomà
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Towards integration of planning and metropolitan mobility projects in Andalusia, Spain.
Luis Miguel Valenzuela Montes, Julio Alberto Soria Lara, Rubén Talavera García
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Would Spain be a Paradigm of a New Transnational Migration? Assessing Trans-European Migrants through National Statistics.
Fernando Gil Alonso
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Brazilian public policies and the family farming: fifteen years of the Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF).
Miriam Hermi Zaar
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Urban views: the city as melting pot in the arts.
David Moriente
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Cosmography and Humanism in Sixteenth-Century Spain: Ptolemy’s Geographia and the Image of America.
Antonio Sánchez
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Citizen participation in local agendas 21: critical questions of urban governance.
Miguel Martínez, Silvia Rosende
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Territorial Processes and Recent Changes in the Valencian Urban System.
Julia Salom Carrasco
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The international migratory trajectories of immigrants in Spain: The incidence of family networks and other sociodemographical trends.
Verónica de Miguel Luken, Miguel Solana Solana, Àngels Pascual de Sans
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The role of the agent of local development in the creation of enterprises in the context of the local development. The valencian case.
Santiago Cantarero Sanz, Joan Ramón Sanchis Palacio, Jose Manuel Comeche Matínez.
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Analysis of Internal Displacement in Colombia Based on the Single Register of Displaced Population (RUPD): Location and Features (2000-2007).
Javier Iván Soledad Suescún, Carmen Egea Jiménez
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Assessment procedures and their application in the general plans of municipal management as tools for flood risk mitigation. The case of the southern municipalities of the Region of Murcia.
Alfredo Pérez Morales
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Protection and Defence of the Mining Heritage in Spain.
María del Carmen Cañizares Ruiz
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Coping with Metropolitan Dynamics. The Metropolitan Plan of Barcelona.
Oriol , 1957- Nel·lo
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Juan Carandell Pericay’s graphic works on Cataluña.
José Naranjo Ramírez, Antonio López Ontiveros
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The impact of a new regulatory framework upon water management in Spain. The company Aguas de La Coruña S.A. (1975-2008).
Jesús Mirás Araujo, Carlos Piñeiro Sánchez, Gustavo Rego Veiga
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Historical Atlases in Contemporary Spain: an Exploration.
Manuel Santirso Rodríguez
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Breakdown in sustainability in Aljarafe County (Seville). The dialectics of olive groves versus urbanisation.
M. David García Brenes, Rafael Fernández Cañero
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Location Factors of the Active Religious Brotherhoods: a Research on the Atlantic and Pacific borders.
Jazmin Tavera Colonna, Paulo Reis Mourão
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Sunny Bunker. Conflicts Generated by the Construction of Tourist Centres Financed with Transnational Spanish Capital in the Caribbean and Central America.
Macià Blázquez, Ernest Cañada, Ivan Murray
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Importance of the geographic origin in the agri-food products consumption.
José S. Clemente Ricolfe, José Enrique Rodríguez Barrio, Juan M. Buitrago Vera
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Charting progress: spaces of civilization and barbarism in the Tarapacá province, north the Chile (1825-1884).
Carolina Figueroa
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The Barcelona Gothic Quarter. From national symbol to theme park.
Agustín Cócola Gant
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Neighborhood models and logical location of the immigrant population.The case of the city of Seville.
María Ángeles Huete García, Rocío Muñoz Moreno
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Industry, mining and crafts in toponymy country: the case of the municipality of Osor (Catalonia, La Selva).
Félix Bruguera i Ligero, Xavier Espinach Orús, Fernando Julián Pérez, Narcís Verdaguer Pujadas
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Sustainable models of water exploitation: the combination of galleries and dams below watercourses.
Encarnación Gil Meseguer, Ramón Martínez Medina, José María Gómez Espín
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Structural changes in Spanish footwear industrial districts: the case of Illueca-Brea de Aragón
Eugenio Climent López, Ana Isabel Escalona Orcao, Blanca Loscertales-Palomar
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Medio periglaciar, permafrost y riesgos naturales en un volcán tropical extinto: Nevado Chachani (sur de Perú)
Nuria de Andrés de Pablo, David Palacios Estremera, Jose Úbeda Palenque, Jesús Alcalá Reygosa
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Evolución del paisaje de un espacio de monte en la larga duración: Rozas (Valle de Cabuérniga, Cantabria)
Manuel Corbera Millán, J. (José) Álvarez-Sierra
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Geografía, viajes y periodismo en la España del franquismo: Valeriano Salas y la Revista Geográfica Española
Jacobo García Álvarez, Daniel Marías Martínez
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Identidades territoriales en Chile: entre la globalización y el regionalismo
Francisco Sabatini, Federico Arenas, Andrés Núñez
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Economía del conocimiento y calidad del empleo en la región metropolitana de Madrid: una perspectiva crítica
Ricardo Méndez Gutiérrez del Valle, Jesús Tébar Arjona, Luis Daniel Abad Aragón
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La inserción de la universidad en la estructura y forma urbana. El caso de la Universitat de Lleida
Carme Bellet Santfeliu
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O plano diretor participativo e a produção social do espaço. O caso de Santo André (São Paulo)
Jeroen Klink, Rosana Denaldi
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Evolución reciente y pautas de distribución espacial de las migraciones internas de extranjeros: el caso de la Comunidad de Madrid (1997-2008)
Enrique Pozo Rivera, Juan Carlos García Palomares
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Discursos vecinales sobre la inseguridad ciudadana y políticas de rehabilitación urbanística: el caso de los “antiguos vecinos” y la ARI-Lavapiés (Madrid) desde una perspectiva antropológica
Montserrat Cañedo Rodríguez
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Scripta Nova en 2011. Balance, impacto y visibilidad de la revista
Gerard Jori, Jerónimo , 1949- Bouza Vila, Quim Bonastra, Horacio , 1941- Capel Saéz
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