La Identidad del Señor como liberador de Israel en el segundo Isaías (Is 40-55)
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Francesc Ramis Darder
In the pages of Second Isaiah God appears as the one the most closely related toIsrael. As the ‘deliverer (go’el)’, he comes to the aid of his people so that, freed fromfalse gods and from unrighteousness, they are marked out as the redeemed peoplewho proclaim before the Gentiles the exclusive authority of the God of Israelover history. The first section (Isa. 40.1–44.23) links the liberating nature of Godwith holiness and with divine lordship over history. The second (Isa. 44.24–48.22)confers on the liberating dimension of God a maternal tenderness and an aura ofdivine holiness. The third (Isa. 49.1-53.12) connects the liberating action of God forthe good of his people with the mission of the Servant of Israel and the reconstructionof Jerusalem, a metaphor for the people redeemed by the mercy of God. Thefourth section (Is 54.1-55,13) associates the God’s decision to deliver his people withhis capacity as creator, the nature of his holiness and his sovereign authority overhuman events.
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How to Cite
Ramis Darder, Francesc. “La Identidad del Señor como liberador de Israel en el segundo Isaías (Is 40-55)”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 17, no. 17, pp. 25-45,
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