Las comunidades hebreas en Yehud y Babilonia durante la época de Esdras y Nehemías

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Francesc Ramis Darder
The Jews who returned from exile led by Sheshbazzar when they arrived in Sion,met with the presence of the ‘People of the earth’, heirs of the Judaeans who werenot deported to Babylon after the conquest of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. Asstated by Scripture, the relationship between the ‘Remnant of Israel settled inJudaea’ and the ‘People of the earth’ meant that the ‘Remnant of Israel settled inJudaea’ was contaminated by the idolatry practiced by the ‘People of the earth’ andthus their lost social and theological identity. The celebration of mixed marriagesis the sociological expression of the theological distortion experienced by the ‘Remnantof Israel settled in Judaea’ in the face of the idolatry practiced by the ‘Peopleof the earth’. The book of Nehemiah describes how ‘The Remnant of Israel settled inJudaea’ celebrated its re-founding with its welcome of the Law. In short, fidelity tothe Law brought the idolatrous assembly back under divine protection, transformingit into the assembly that proclaims before all humanity the glory of the God ofIsrael, the only God.
Paraules clau
Exili, Esdres i Nehemies, resta d’Israel, monoteisme, idolatria.

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Com citar
Ramis Darder, Francesc. “Las comunidades hebreas en Yehud y Babilonia durante la época de Esdras y Nehemías”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 16, no. 16, pp. 27-52,