A little-known funerary stele from Luna at the Castello di San Giorgio in La Spezia
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Federico 1981- Frasson
This paper deals with a funerary stele, which is currently preserved at the Museo Civico Archeologico «Ubaldo Formentini» in La Spezia and once belonged to Fabbricotti collection. Although its findspot is unknown, the object most likely comes from the site of the Roman colony of Luna (VII regio - Etruria) or from its territory. Despite the front surface of the stele is deeply eroded, a thorough examination of the remains of the letters allows the complete reconstruction of the text, which is made up of two separate dedications. The inscription also includes a rare epigraphic attestation of the word condiscipulus.
Luna, stele, La Spezia, Fabbricotti, condiscipulus
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Frasson, Federico 1981-. “A little-known funerary stele from Luna at the Castello di San Giorgio in La Spezia”. Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis: SEBarc, no. 14, pp. 97-108, https://raco.cat/index.php/SEBarc/article/view/317619.