Quin és el gènere literari de l'Evangeli segons Joan? Sentit del format narratiu de l'Evangeli Joànic

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Josep Oriol Tuñí
Since the publication of R.A. Burridge’s monograph on the literary genre of the Gospels (1992), the gospel of John’s (GJ) literary genre has been the object of an open debate. (1) The present article analyses the opinion of those exegetes who maintain that GJ’s historiographical characteristics are a decisive argument in favour of the literary genre of this book as a bios Iêsou. Both (2) the analysis of the sense of the Johannine narrative (Jn 1,19-12,50) which is certainly not biographical, and (3) the key theme of the so called messianic secret (also present in its own terms in GJ with its own hermeneutical characteristics) point towards a much more nuanced conclusion. (4) GJ is a revelation with a narrative format in some parts of its presentation. The literary genre is then closer to apocalyptic literature than to the biographical genre. This conclusion should help the readers to approach GJ as a revelation rooted in the life of Jesus.

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Com citar
Tuñí, Josep Oriol. “Quin és el gènere literari de l’Evangeli segons Joan? Sentit del format narratiu de l’Evangeli Joànic”. Revista Catalana de Teologia, vol.VOL 35, no. 1, pp. 105-32, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaTeologia/article/view/210719.

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