Teologia Biblica della Pace e della Creazione
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Frederic Raurell
When one contemplates the effects of human intrusions into the natural environment, ecological consciousness calls to mind physical survival, material prosperity, and the problems of justice and peace. God's creative activity includes not only the work of origins but also that of salvation and consummation us well. The classical texts related to creation theology by tradition are the opening chapter of the Book of Genesis. Creation theology is not secondary with regard to Covenant theology. For Christians, the story of creation is told not simply by repeating the Old Testament text. More specifically, the fulfilment of created reality is described to us as a «recapitulation» in the mystery of Christ.
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Com citar
Raurell, Frederic. “Teologia Biblica della Pace e della Creazione”. Revista Catalana de Teologia, vol.VOL 34, no. 1, pp. 83-102, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaTeologia/article/view/142047.
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