Significat de la Bíblia en la "Dei Verbum"

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Frederic Raurell
The article is a survey of the Dei Verbum's genesis. After the enciclical of Pope
Pius XII, Divino afflante Spiritu, the Constitution Dei Verbum has been the turning point
wich encourages Catholic biblical scholars to embark on the search of biblical questions
in a spirit of fresh historical and literary inquiry. To avoid the conflict between the
historian and the beliver necessery as it is for the helth of biblical scholarship, Dei Verbum
indicates the way, but does not solve all the problems concerning the relationship
between de Bible and the word of Good.

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Com citar
Raurell, Frederic. “Significat de la Bíblia en la ‘Dei Verbum’”. Revista Catalana de Teologia, vol.VOL 33, no. 1, pp. 213-29,