Ministrers i joglars a la Catalunya nova (segles XIV-XVII)

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Joan Cuscó i Clarasó
One of the most interesting periods to get to know the role played by music in Catalan culture is the 16th and 17th century. Our article focuses on this period to talk about the social presence of music, musicians and musical institutions that, in this period, acted within a specific area called Catalunya Nova (to the south of Barcelona). We particularly focus our research on the spheres of influence of Vilafranca del Penedès and Tortosa, with some contributions from Lleida and the Balearic Islands in order to achieve an overall view.

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How to Cite
Cuscó i Clarasó, Joan. “Ministrers i joglars a la Catalunya nova (segles XIV-XVII)”. Revista Catalana de Musicologia, vol.VOL 6, pp. 11-29,