Editorial team   

Direction Board 

Publisher: Director General. Direcció General de Cultura Popular i Associacionisme Cultural   

Director: Xavier Roigé Ventura (Universitat de Barcelona)   

Assistant Director: Camila del Mármol Cartañá ( Universitat de Barcelona)   


Editorial Board   

Roger Costa Solé (Direcció General de Cultura Popular i Associacionisme Cultural)   

Rafel Folch Monclús ( Direcció General de Cultura Popular i Associacionisme Cultural)   

Verònica Guarch Llop (Direcció General de Cultura Popular i Associacionisme Cultural)   


Editorial committee   

Jordi Abella Pons (Ecomuseu de les valls d'Àneu)  

Oriol Beltran Costa ( Universitat de Barcelona)  

Eliseu Carbonell Camós ( Universitat de Girona)  

Dolors Comas d'Argemir i Cendra (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)  

Raquel Ferrero Gandia ( Museu Valencià d'Etnologia)  

Jaume Guiscafré Danús ( Universitat de les Illes Balears)  

Maite Hernández Sahagún (Ínclita Cultura i Terra Enllà)  

Saida Palou Rubio ( Universitat de Girona)  

Isidre Pinyol Cerro (Centre d'Estudis de les Garrigues)  

Montserrat Solà Rivera (Parc Natural de la serra del Montsant)  

Montse Ventura Oller ( Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)  


Subject and scope   

Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya is a periodical open-access publication for the dissemination of the initiatives, achievements, theories and experiences of researchers and groups of scholars in the field of ethnology and anthropology in and from Catalonia. The first issue of the journal appeared in July 1992, and has been published uninterruptedly until present day.   


Each issue combines scientific content, either theoretical, analytical or empirical, and the dissemination of different aspects related to the practice of ethnology, ethnological heritage and anthropology. The journal consists of the following sections:   

1. Special issue

A section dedicated to a specific subject that includes contributions from experts in the field from all over the world. It is made up of two sub-sections: the Dossier, where scientific articles are presented, and Focus, with shorter articles focused on specific cases or examples of the subject at issue.   

The editorial board has the right to decide the subject of each issue and to propose the coordinators. No external proposals will be accepted.   

The coordinators will be responsible for finding reviewers and supervising the process for the articles to be included in the special issue. In addition, they must ensure that the review is impartial and objective and follows the double blind peer review criteria indicated below. Likewise, the established deadlines must be respected. In the event that this is not possible, the journal must be notified as early as possible, and the journal may take whatever measures it deems appropriate.   

The management team and the editorial committee and the editorial board may request information on how the procedures of the monographic Dossier are being carried out; and thus ensure compliance with ethical principles.   

2. Varia

This section includes scientific articles in the general field of ethnology and social and cultural anthropology.   

3. Ethnological Research

Articles on research carried out within the framework of the Inventari de Patrimoni Etnològic de Catalunya and other research and documentation work carried out within other institutions.   

4. Chronicle

Includes a range of information on associations and organizations related to the study, promotion and dissemination of ethnological heritage and museography, as well as chronicles of congresses and/or reviews of publications.   


Ethical criteria   

The Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya is committed to promoting ethical conduct, both in the contents of the journal and throughout the publication process. For this reason, all the people involved in its publication (editorial committee, direction board, editorial board, coordinators of the special issue, reviewers) will follow the following principles:   

- Non-discrimination. It will be ensured that the evaluation and publication of articles will be done without prejudice of racialization, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, country of origin, citizenship and/or political or personal preferences of the authors. The review must be done in an objective manner, no personal judgements about the author should be made, and opinions about the work should be justified and appropriately argued. 

- Confidentiality. Every person involved in the process of editing and publishing the journal are committed to not disclose information about the articles received to anyone other than the author and the reviewers; in the same way that the process will be followed ensuring that the anonymity of both is preserved. In order to fulfil this criteria, it will be ensured that the evaluation process is carried out in accordance with double-blind review procedures.  

- Conflict of interest and disclosure. The results of the articles received will not be used for other research work without the explicit consent of the authors. Likewise, the journal will ensure that all persons involved in the process of receiving, evaluating and editing articles meet these criteria. Restricted information obtained from the review process is confidential and, therefore, cannot be used for personal purposes. In the event that the review of an article may involve a conflict of interest due to collaboration or competition with the author or the institution from which it originates, the reviewer must reject the review proposal.  

- Error recognition. Corrections, retractions, apologies or clarifications will be issued if necessary.   

- Decision on publication. The direction board, together with the editorial committee, is responsible for the decision to publish or not to publish received articles. The criteria for acceptance or rejection are established through blind peer review and compliance with the ethical criteria of the authors and the journal.  


At the same time, authors who wish to publish in the Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya agree to fulfil the following criteria:   

- Authorship of the texts. All proposed articles must be signed by their author. If appropriate, they may be signed by any person who has participated significantly in the planning, organization or execution of the research on which the article is based.   

- Responsibility. Authors are responsible for the content of their manuscript.   

- Plagiarism and originality. Authors declare that the submitted work is original, and that all sources used are properly cited.  

- Multiple, repeated or publications coming into conflict. The author will not publish the same text, or a partial copy of it, as an original in other media. The author also undertakes not to submit manuscripts that are in the process of being evaluated by other journals.   

- Conflict of interest and disclosure. The authors, when submitting the article, declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have conditioned the results of the research or the interpretations proposed. If they do exist, they will also indicate the sources of funding and the project in which the article is found.   

- Mistakes in published articles. In the event that an author identifies a major mistake or inaccuracy in the published article, they must report it to the journal and provide the necessary information so that corrections can be made.  


Recommendations for the use of inclusive and non-sexist language   

All authors are recommended to use inclusive and non-sexist language in the texts submitted for publication. Expressions that stigmatise or discriminate against groups of people, whether racialised, or on the basis of origin, functional diversity, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, ideology or socio-economic status, shall be avoided.   

More specifically, in case of doubt, it is recommended to follow the guidelines of the la Guia d’usos no sexistes de la llengua en els textos de l’Administració de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the Guia de llenguatge inclusiu en el tractament de persones amb discapacitat. 


Peer review process   

Revision criteria   

When reviewing articles, the criteria to be taken into account include their contribution to the knowledge of the subject, the advances they present, their theoretical, methodological and ethnographic contributions, as well as the bibliographical and documentary references used, the quality of their writing and their spelling and grammatical correctness; and will indicate recommendations, if relevant, to achieve a possible improvement.    


Stages in the evaluation process of an article   

Stage 1: submission of the original.   

Stage 2: blind peer review of the original article by two external reviewers, experts in the corresponding subject area.   

Stage 3: communication of review results to the journal editor. The reviewers send the result of the evaluation and a proposed opinion to the journal editor.   

Stage 4: notification of the evaluation result to the authors:   

  •  Acceptance: an article is approved if the result of the two evaluations are positive.  
  • Non-acceptance: an article is rejected if the result of the two evaluations are negative. 
  • Acceptance (with modifications): the result of the evaluation requires substantial modifications that the author will have to implement before the article is finally approved.   
  • In the event of a difference of opinion in the result of the evaluation, the Editorial Board may take the decision it deems appropriate, after consulting the Editorial Committee. The journal guarantees the anonymity of both, authors and reviewers.   

Unless explicitly indicated by the editors, the editorial and editorial committees and/or the coordinators of the special issues, the entire process of reception and review of articles will be carried out through the RACO platform, which uses the OJS system. Proposals sent by other channels will not be accepted, except in duly justified cases.   


Frequency of publication   

Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya is published annually. The editorial board and the direction board are committed to ensure that this frequency is maintained.   


Access and publication rates   

Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya provides online access through the Raco.cat platform and its website, and has no publication or editing fees of any kind. These costs are covered by the publisher.   


Advertising and marketing   

Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya does not accept advertising from third parties. However, it does contain advertising from the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya - and possibly other departments - as the public institution responsible for publishing the journal. All advertising is non-intrusive, being incorporated before or after the articles, in moderate quantity, and with content suitable for all audiences. Under no circumstances advertising will be based on the profile of the reader who accesses the magazine.   

Likewise, there is no intrusive advertising on calls for manuscript submissions or for the contribution and coordination of special issues.   


Guidelines for authors   

Normes per a la presentació d’originals 

Catalan version   


Normas para la presentación de originales   

Spanish version   


 Guidelines for submitting original pieces   

 English version   


Copyright notice   

Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya is published in accordance with the open access criteria established by the Directory of Open Access Journals. Therefore, authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:   

- Authors hold the copyright. Texts published in this journal are - unless otherwise indicated - subject to the terms of access.   

- Usage of the contents of the journal is subject to an Attribution - Non-commercial - No Derivative Works (by-nc-nd) license. Reproduction, distribution and public communication is permitted as long as it is not for profit and the content of the work is not modified. You can see a copy of the Creative Commons license here.   

- Authors may separately establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal, with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in the Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya.   

- Authors are allowed and encouraged to deposit their works in institutional and theme-based reference repositories, as well as to disseminate them in other ways. For example, by publishing them on their websites. As this can lead to productive exchanges, since their dissemination implies a potential advantage of improving their impact on the scientific community and on bibliometric citation (see The Effect of Open Access).