Diagnóstico genético prenatal y aborto. Dos cuestiones de eugenesia y discriminación.

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Fabiola Villela Cortés
Jorge E. Linares Salgado
Advances in genetics followed by the new technologies in the early detection of genetic disorders involving bioethical dilemmas about the proper use of these techniques, the information given to pregnant women and the decision that she will take to receive it. Early detection of genetic abnormalities allow, in some cases, the initiation of appropriate treatment to allow the unborn child does not develop a disabling disease, as the case of phenylketonuria, or surgery for a fetus with spina bifida, but If you do not have any treatment available abortion remains the last alternative. Although for many, any type of abortion is eugenics, that is seeking to eliminate unwanted individuals, the aim of this paper is to review the different types of abortion and the difference between eugenic abortion, therapeutic abortion, abortion for social or demographic ends and Sex‐selection made for the for the final proposal that in some cases eugenic abortion could be considered acceptable for bioethics.
Abortion, prenatal genetic diagnosis, eugenics, discrimination.

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How to Cite
Villela Cortés, Fabiola; and Linares Salgado, Jorge E. “Diagnóstico genético prenatal y aborto. Dos cuestiones de eugenesia y discriminación”. Revista de bioética y derecho, p. 293‐305, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaBioeticaDerecho/article/view/304671.
Author Biographies

Fabiola Villela Cortés, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Secretaria académica del posgrado en Filosofía de la Ciencia, UNAM.

Jorge E. Linares Salgado, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Coordinador del posgrado en Filosofía de la Ciencia, UNAM.