The role of emotions in the public sphere: M. C. Nussbaum proposal

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José Manuel Panea Márquez
How can emotions enable a fairer and more stable democratic society? The aim of this essay is to emphasize the importance of emotions in M.C. Nussbaum’s thought and how can they contribute to reinforce democracy and provide it with stability to in the context of political liberalism. All of this seems to require, according to Nussbaum, the integration of the role of emotions in society’s educational project, so as to go beyond the model of justice focused on the mutual benefit, widening it with another, whose centre of gravity would be the capacities and the human development. In this sense, it is necessary to ask ourselves about the role Humanities should play, so as to provide such a project with feasibility and continuity
Nussbaum, emotions, democracy, justice, humanities

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How to Cite
Panea Márquez, José Manuel. “The role of emotions in the public sphere: M. C. Nussbaum proposal”. Recerca: revista de pensament i anàlisi, no. 22, pp. 111-3,