The evolution of open access to research and data in Australian higher education

Main Article Content

Vicki Picasso
Liam Prior Phelan

Open access (OA) in the Australian tertiary education sector is evolving rapidly and, in this article, we review developments in two related areas: OA to scholarly research publications and open data. OA can support open educational resource (OER) efforts by providing access to research for learning and teaching, and a range of actors including universities, their peak bodies, public research funding agencies and other organisations and networks that focus explicitly on OA are increasingly active in these areas in diverse ways. OA invites change to the status quo across the higher education sector and current momentum and vibrancy in this area suggests that rapid and significant changes in the OA landscape will continue into the foreseeable future. General practices, policies, infrastructure and cultural changes driven by the evolution of OA in Australian higher education are identified and discussed. The article concludes by raising several key questions for the future of OA research and open data policies and practices in Australia in the context of growing interest in OA internationally.

open access, OA, open data, open access publishing, repositories, theses

Article Details

How to Cite
Picasso, Vicki; and Phelan, Liam Prior. “The evolution of open access to research and data in Australian higher education”. RUSC, Universities & Knowledge Society, vol.VOL 11, no. 3, pp. 122-33, doi:10.7238/rusc.v11i3.2076.
Author Biographies

Vicki Picasso, University of Newcastle

Vicki is a senior librarian for Research Support and Discovery Services in the University Library at the University of Newcastle (UoN), Australia, and is the manager of UoN’s NOVA Open Access repository. She worked collaboratively in the development of ReDBox, which has been implemented by a number of Australian universities to assist with the management and discovery of research data. Vicki is the recipient of three UoN Vice Chancellor awards and a 2009 Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning.

Liam Prior Phelan, University of Newcastle

Liam is an Online Teaching and Learning coordinator and senior lecturer in the GradSchool, and a conjoint senior lecturer in the School of Environmental and Life Sciences at the University of Newcastle (UoN), Australia. Liam is also an Adjunct Professor with the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. He researches and publishes in two fields – higher education and environmental studies – and also serves in editorial roles for journals in both areas. In 2012, Liam was awarded an Office for Learning and Teaching National Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning.