La virtualització universitària a l'Amèrica Llatina
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Aquest article analitza el procés de digitalització de l'ensenyament superior a la regió, i estudia com canvia radicalment la dinàmica educativa a la zona. La incorporació de la tecnologia digital implica un canvi de l'ensenyament a distància tradicional, i també la creació de noves dinàmiques en aquest camp, amb institucions que tenen programes cent per cent virtuals, i una creixent digitalització de l'ensenyament presencial. Les pròximes pàgines analitzen els canvis educatius que han portat la digitalització educativa a l'Amèrica Llatina i els seus diversos vessants. Estudien l'inici lent d'un ensenyament que fa convergir les modalitats tradicionals, tant presencial com a distància.
Article Details
Claudio Antonio Rama, Universitat de l'Empresa (UDE), Uruguai
He is a higher education researcher, lecturer and consultant. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics (UCV), a master’s degree in Education Management (UJMV), a doctorate in Education (UNESR), a doctorate in Law (UBA), and three postdoctoral qualifications (UNICAMP, UNESR, UFF). He is a member of the Uruguayan National System of Researchers (SNI). He is the dean of the Faculty of Business Sciences, University of Enterprise (UDE), Uruguay. He is the director of the Virtual Educa Observatory of Virtual Education in Latin America. He was the director of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC). In Uruguay, he was the director of the National Book Institute, director of the National Television System and vice-president of the Official Broadcasting and Entertainment Service (SODRE). He has given courses and lectures at more than 170 academic institutions and events in 30 countries, and has been a visiting academic for extended periods at UNAM and BUAP (Mexico) and UPR (Puerto Rico). He has published 21 books of his own, 10 books as a co-editor, 78 articles in books and peer-reviewed journals, and hundreds of articles in various newspapers. He was awarded the Uruguayan National Prize for Literature on two occasions for his academic writing, as well as three doctor honoris causa degrees (UNMSM, ULADECH, UIGV).