Converses des del sud de l'equador: reptes i oportunitats que plantegen els REO a Oceania
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En les últimes dècades, s'han produït una sèrie de canvis estructurals fonamentals (tant internament, en el si de l'ensenyament superior, com externament) que han transformat el caràcter de les universitats. L'augment de l'interès generalitzat en els recursos educatius oberts (REO) és, alhora, una pressió afegida a aquests canvis i, potser, també una clau potencial per a donar resposta a la demanda creixent d'ensenyament superior. En aquesta secció monogràfica sobre les iniciatives en l'àmbit dels REO a Oceania, els docents mostren com s'estan abordant els reptes i les oportunitats en aquesta regió per mitjà de la innovació i/o la col·laboració. Aquesta secció monogràfica és, també, un marc per a la comunicació del coneixement i l'intercanvi de diferents punts de vista, a més del diàleg, no solament entre els països de la regió, sinó també, possiblement, entre Oceania i Europa. Les últimes novetats i tendències en els REO, i també l'emergència de les pràctiques educatives obertes (PEO) a la regió Àsia-Pacífic, són un reflex fidel dels avenços que es produeixen a tot el món.
Article Details
Rosalind James, Universitat de Nova Anglaterra
Dr Rosalind James is the director of dehub: Innovation in distance education. Dr James has worked with dehub since before its inception, having assisted to write the grant for funding, and at the University of New England (UNE), Australia, for many years, as a Research Fellow with dehub and with Project 2012: Flexible and Online. Prior to dehub, Dr James was a course coordinator and lecturer on the foundational pathway course in UNE’s Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) and an academic mentor for transitional students. Like many in the distance education field, Rosalind comes from a strong background established in other disciplines. She has been an archaeological consultant and a lecturer in Archaeology and Environmental Science, and has worked in diverse companies and government departments around the world as a senior manager and technical information and communications technology (ICT) consultant in the commercial ICT arena. Her current research and publications interest is in the implementation and integration of ICT in learning in general, and Web 2.0 and social networking technologies in particular. She is also interested in business use of technology and its implications for graduate attributes and professional development for academics teaching by distance. Other projects directed by Dr James include the ICDE’s Regulatory Frameworks for Distance Education in the Southwest Pacific/South East Asia region and a large collaborative project to develop eduONE, a community education portal offering Open Educational Resources for lifelong learning.
Carina Bossu, Universitat de Tasmània
Dr Carina Bossu is a lecturer (Learning and Teaching) with the Tasmanian Institute of Learning and Teaching (TILT) at the University of Tasmania (UTAS), Australia. Her current work and research are primarily focused on Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in higher education, more specifically issues related to learning, teaching and professional development. Previously, she was a Research Fellow with dehub at the University of New England (UNE), Australia, where her role was to investigate the use and adoption of OER across the Australian higher education sector. In 2013, Carina was named the New Researcher “One to Watch” of the year by Routledge Education. Dr Bossu has presented and published widely and is currently involved in several research projects and supervision teams investigating different aspects of OER and OEP in higher education.
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