Autoavaluació per mitjà d'una estratègia de blended-learning per a millorar el rendiment en una assignatura de comptabilitat

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Vanesa Gámiz Sánchez
Rosana Montes Soldado
María Carmen Pérez López

L'assignatura Comptabilitat general s'imparteix en cinc titulacions de grau que s'ofereixen a la Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials de la Universitat de Granada. Els professors de l'assignatura han generat, coordinadament, materials educatius en línia associats a una metodologia que permet que els estudiants facin cada any activitats d'autoavaluació semblants a les que hi ha disponibles en l'assignatura en la seva avaluació per a aconseguir el títol de grau. Seguint la metodologia d'aprenentatge mixt (blended-learning), que combina tècniques d'ensenyament presencials amb l'ús d'eines TIC, els estudiants treballen en la matèria i milloren els seus resultats acadèmics. Aquest curs s'han consultat estudiants de dos dels graus sobre la satisfacció general en l'ús de la plataforma. Dels resultats obtinguts, en podem destacar la valoració positiva dels estudiants pel que fa a la utilitat de les activitats plantejades per mitjà de la plataforma i el seu interès; també cal ressenyar la correlació positiva trobada entre l'accés a la plataforma i les qualificacions en els exercicis d'autoavaluació, i la qualificació final de l'assignatura.

Paraules clau
ensenyament superior, blended-learning, aprenentatge autònom, Moodle, autoavaluació

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Com citar
Gámiz Sánchez, Vanesa et al. “Autoavaluació per mitjà d’una estratègia de blended-learning per a millorar el rendiment en una assignatura de comptabilitat”. RUSC, Universities & Knowledge Society, vol.VOL 11, no. 2, pp. 43-56, doi:10.7238/rusc.v11i2.2055.
Biografies de l'autor/a

Vanesa Gámiz Sánchez, Universitat de Granada

Vanesa M. Gámiz Sánchez is a Computer Sciences Engineer and received her PhD from the University of Granada (UGR), Spain, in 2009. Since 2010, she has been a lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation in the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Previously, she worked there with a research staff training grant. She conducts her research in the fields of e-learning and the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in learning environments, especially in higher education. She has been part of several teaching innovation projects, and currently she is coordinating a project entitled “The e-portfolio as a learning and assessment tool. Implementation with Mahara integrated with Moodle”. Also, she has been member of the research teams of several European projects on e-learning and a teacher on some technology-related training activities for university lecturers.

Rosana Montes Soldado, Universitat de Granada

Rosana Montes holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Granada (UGR), Spain, in the field of Computer Graphics and Realistic Image Synthesis, though some of her research had been related to e-learning and virtual 3D worlds. She teaches at the School of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, and also in the Faculty of Economics and Business at UGR. Courses are related with web design, Web 2.0., integrated software development environments and mobile applications. She has participated in several international projects funded by the European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) with the Erasmus Mundus Programme and the Lifelong Learning Programme such as “Hextlearn - Higher Education exploring ICT use for Lifelong Learning”, “Mobi-Blog - the European Weblog Platform for Mobile Students”, “Movinter - Enhancing Virtual Mobility to foster institutional cooperation and internationalisation of curricula” and “Wishes”, and she also coordinated the project “OERtest: Testing the Feasibility of OER-Course Certification”. In UGR’s Virtual Learning Centre, she has played an active part in the design and implementation of AbiertaUGR, UGR’s MOOC platform, and its courses. She coordinates the teacher training programmes at UGR, including the Specialisation Itineraries “Collaboration Tools in Web 2.0” and “Digital Production in the Mac OS X Environment”.

María Carmen Pérez López, Universitat de Granada

M. Carmen Pérez López holds a PhD degree in Economics and Business from the University of Granada (UGR), Spain. She teaches in the Faculty of Economics and Business at UGR. Among her research interests are higher education, training in entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, organisational culture, innovation and national and international accounting standards. She has participated as a coordinator and member of several teaching innovation projects related to the implementation of new technologies and the Moodle platform for teaching, and of ECTS on different courses taught at UGR’s Faculty of Economics and Business. She is the author of several publications related to impact teaching in higher education and, specifically, to blended learning. She has also participated in many teacher training activities and has made considerable contributions to university teaching at workshops and symposia.