Legislative Reports on Navarre. First half of 2020

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María del Carmen Bolaño Piñeiro

This chronicle covers the regulatory changes concerning language matters in the Navarre Autonomous Region published between January and June 2020. This period is notable for the lack of significant changes, apart from a brief amendment to Regional Decree 4/2016, of 27 January, regulating the official symbol of the Government of Navarre and its use, and the approval of the new Regulatory byelaw on using the Basque language (Euskera) in Pamplona City Council and in the city’s Institutional Public Sector. None of the changes improves the vulnerable situation of Euskera in Navarre – exactly the opposite, in fact – once again showing the legal insecurity Navarre citizens face with regard to their language rights whenever there are changes in local or regional government.Key words: Navarre. Basque language. Minority languages. Legal framework on linguistic rights. Public administration. Official emblem. Local Government.

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How to Cite
Bolaño Piñeiro, María del Carmen. “Legislative Reports on Navarre. First half of 2020”. Revista de Llengua i Dret, no. 74, pp. 158-61, doi:10.2436/rld.i74.2020.3506.
Author Biography

María del Carmen Bolaño Piñeiro

Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea