Accompanying the journey from Service-Learning experiences to the educational territory with Laura Rubio Serrano

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Brenda Bär

This article aims to highlight the contributions of Laura Rubio Serrano and the people with whom she built knowledge, on the link between Service-Learning and the territory. She could see -and join with others- that rootedness in the territory was a fundamental challenge for Service Learning to consolidate itself as an educational and operational approach in educational centres, social entities and local institutions and simultaneously increase the quality and transforming capacity of SL practices. The last works she collaborated on, which sought to shed light on a possible model for building the territorial rootedness of SL, are highlighted. Particular emphasis is placed on the actors that should be involved and a proposal of steps to trigger this process in the territory, especially the principles under which it is proposed to carry out this work

Territory, service-Learning, educating city, social entities, community education

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How to Cite
Bär, Brenda. “Accompanying the journey from Service-Learning experiences to the educational territory with Laura Rubio Serrano”. RIDAS. Revista Iberoamericana de Aprendizaje Servicio, no. 14, pp. 130-44, doi:10.1344/RIDAS2022.14.7.