Study on teacher pre-professional practice in Science of Education College at the University of Cuenca - Ecuador
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Núria Rosich Sala
Marco Jácome-Guzmán
Teaching practice is a central activity in the formation of a teacher, but apparently it is not being given enough importance. For this reason there has been a study on how it is done in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cuenca (Ecuador). Another special motivation is the change in 2013 of the regulation that governs; therefore it was necessary to approach the problem with a previous study that helps to structure the new curriculum. We worked with the method of participatory research: tutors and practitioners practice and former practitioners of five of the six races that offer teacher education students. The research was descriptive with intervention phase. Structured surveys, interviews, audio and discussion forums applied. Prior to the meetings of the working group, where they were released preliminary reports information was tabulated. It was found deficiencies in communication of those involved in the practice, lack of information and involvement between actors and institutions and deficiencies in the structure of the curriculum. It is also noted that there is no relationship between practice and grade work practitioners. With these results and conclusions participants are informed, academic boards and authorities to implement corrective suggested in the study.
Teaching practice, Teacher training, Syllabus
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How to Cite
Rosich Sala, Núria; and Jácome-Guzmán, Marco. “Study on teacher pre-professional practice in Science of Education College at the University of Cuenca - Ecuador”. REIRE. Revista d’Innovació i Recerca en Educació, vol.VOL 8, no. 2, pp. 312-25,
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