The Future of Higher Education: some issues
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Dolors Reig-Hernández
The article discusses some current trends in education. It starts by introducing knowledge society, especially constructed around the new abundance of information, knowledge, that generates. There are various theories, new abundances and narratives emerging around the confluence of network society and education that are detailed in the article.
Being positive about the new learning opportunities, we´ll talk about connetivism, Social Learning, Autonomous, Proactive Learning, Informal Learning, etc.. detailing the nuances that each brings to the future of education.
Finally, we propose, adapted to the subject at hand, some values that could distinguish, in a relatively near future, general education offer, with its problems to survive in the new ecosystem of excellent educational opportunities and therefore more likely to be sustainable in it.
Being positive about the new learning opportunities, we´ll talk about connetivism, Social Learning, Autonomous, Proactive Learning, Informal Learning, etc.. detailing the nuances that each brings to the future of education.
Finally, we propose, adapted to the subject at hand, some values that could distinguish, in a relatively near future, general education offer, with its problems to survive in the new ecosystem of excellent educational opportunities and therefore more likely to be sustainable in it.
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How to Cite
Reig-Hernández, Dolors. “The Future of Higher Education: some issues”. REIRE. Revista d’Innovació i Recerca en Educació, vol.VOL 3, no. 2, pp. 98-113,
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