Review by: Miguel Á. ZABALZA BERAZA (with the collaboration of Mª Ainoha ZABALZA CERDEIRIÑA): Didactic choreography in higher education. A metaphor for the world of dance. Madrid: Narcea de Ediciones, 2022.

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Max Turull Rubinat

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How to Cite
Turull Rubinat, Max. “Review by: Miguel Á. ZABALZA BERAZA (with the collaboration of Mª Ainoha ZABALZA CERDEIRIÑA): Didactic choreography in higher education. A metaphor for the world of dance. Madrid: Narcea de Ediciones, 2022”. Revista de educación y derecho, no. 27,
Author Biography

Max Turull Rubinat, University of Barcelona

University Head of the Department of History of Law, Roman Law and State Ecclesiastical Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona; Professional Development Institute (IDP/ICE) of the University of Barcelona