The Valencian Agency of Assessment and Prospective (AVAP): Ten years serving the University System of Valencia.

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Salvador Palazón Ferrando

The Valencian Agency for Strategic Assessment and Forecasting (AVAP) was established by a law of the Valencian Regional Government in 2006, in order to ensure the quality and excellence of the Valencian higher education, science and innovation systems, through assessment, accreditation and forecast studies. The AVAP includes, among its tasks, the assurance of the quality of the Valencian higher education system, through external evaluation processes that apply the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area. In this article one tries to announce the origins, functions and organizational structure of the AVAP, his recent activity and the challenges of future, besides the characteristics of the university Valencian system, to understand better the complexity and the volume of tasks that it must confront daily.

Agencies of quality, Higher education quality, Quality assurance, AVAP, Universities, Evaluation.

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How to Cite
Palazón Ferrando, Salvador. “The Valencian Agency of Assessment and Prospective (AVAP): Ten years serving the University System of Valencia”. Revista de educación y derecho, no. 14,
Author Biography

Salvador Palazón Ferrando, Universidad de Alicante.

Catedrático de Universidad de Geografía Humana
(Universidad de Alicante). Director General de la
Agència Valenciana d’Avaluació i Prospectiva.