The general framework of the acreditation system for higher education in Germany.

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Ronny Heintze
A prerequisite to understanding the system of accreditation in Higher Education in Germany lies in the recognition of the fact that Germany is a federal country. It consists of 16 States (Länder) that are sovereign in terms of cultural and educational affairs. The federal level has very little to no involvement compared to the State Ministries when it comes to learning and teaching in Higher education. The Standing Conference of the German Ministers for Education and Culture (KMK)is the institution where joint decisions of the Ministers are taken. The KMK is the central platform for discussion and decision for all aspects where comparable standards across Germany are desirable.

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How to Cite
Heintze, Ronny. “The general framework of the acreditation system for higher education in Germany”. Revista de educación y derecho, no. 14,
Author Biography

Ronny Heintze

Senior-Referent. Senior-Consultant. Commissioner for International Affairs.