Thoughts on lawyers’ formation. An approach to the needs of society and academic development.

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Gerardo Servín Aguillón
Summary. When forming lawyers, there is a consistency found in regards to the professors. It starts with the use of the teacher’s favorite book on the subject, and the exposition of the topics he considers fundamental for the student’s development. However, lawyers are not being formed for social needs, but for codes, laws, and books. It is essential for the professor to understand that teaching from a book is not classroom education. At the same time, students should be committed to the analysis
and debate of the subjects. For this, the present work pretends to increase teachers’ awareness of their role, highlighting expertise on the subject: Estructuras y Procedimientos Administrativos (Managerial Structures and Procedures), as well as endowing lawyers not only with legal themes, but also with formative themes useful for professional activities. The experiences pointed out in this paper are the best example of what is happening in lawyers’ academic formation, and of the problems faced by the students in classroom, and too, of the commitment they show every day in classroom as well as in society.
Lawyers, Competences, Legal Office, Academic Formation, Social Perception.

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How to Cite
Servín Aguillón, Gerardo. “Thoughts on lawyers’ formation. An approach to the needs of society and academic development”. Revista de educación y derecho, no. 10,
Author Biography

Gerardo Servín Aguillón, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.

Doctor en Derecho, Profesor de Tiempo Completo y Coordinador de Investigación Área Administración Pública. Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Querétaro, México.

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