Dossier on water law and the right to water in times of polycrisis

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Oscar Expósito López

The new water culture represents an essential change towards a comprehensive management of water resources that embraces sustainability in environmental, economic, social and cultural areas. This approach promotes a vision of water as an ecosystem and as heritage, and emphasises citizen participation as a key element. The recognised right to water, understood as basic access to drinking water for consumption and basic sanitation, both essential for life and dignity of the individual, is fundamental in the international legal framework, since it guarantees equitable and safe access to water as an essential human right reinforced by regional treaties and national commitments. The implementation of this right requires specific measures and multidisciplinary collaboration to ensure sustainable management of water resources. As such, this dossier aims to compile legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine in order to promote the new water culture and a more just and sustainable future, while encouraging a deeper understanding of the interaction between society, culture and water management with a view to fostering the preservation of this fundamental resource for future generations.


water, water culture, sustainability, comprehensive management, water resources, right to water, water law

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How to Cite
Expósito López, Oscar. “Dossier on water law and the right to water in times of polycrisis”. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, no. 68, pp. 223-48,