Study of water planning instruments in a context of shortage and drought caused by climate change

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Anna Pallarés Serrano

This study addresses how sufficient and adequate the organisation and management of existing water planning instru­ments are in a context of scarcity and drought caused by climate change. Specifically, we refer to the hydrographic de­marcation plans, special drought plans and emergency plans for drought situations that public authorities responsible for urban supply systems serving populations of more than 20,000 inhabitants are required to draw up. To do this, we first describe the water stress situations that some hydrographic demarcations are experiencing and the impact that climate change is predicted to have. Next, among other issues, we ascertain whether these instruments are properly designed for integrating the new mandates and means of operation set out in Law 7/2021, of 20 May, on climate change and energy transition and the Strategic Orientations on Water and Climate Change.


climate change, water planning, special drought plans, emergency plans

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How to Cite
Pallarés Serrano, Anna. “Study of water planning instruments in a context of shortage and drought caused by climate change”. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, no. 68, pp. 19-40,