Medical performativity of childhood in the pediatric approach of chronic diseases

Main Article Content

Jorge Alejandro Tapia Satibañez
Marjorie Francisca Espejo Lopez
Childhood is a land stated and built by different actors. This construction becomes troubled when a chronic disease (CD) occurs and the child becomes the subject of pediatric care. In this exploratory study, we address the performativity of children in medical discourse, focusing on the treatment and relationship that is articulated between the medical system and the pediatric user. Through a pragmatic analysis of discourse, we address six interviews with pediatricians. From this, we obtained that the pediatric practice stands as a normative and validated discourse on the reality of children with CD, contributing to the construction of a childhood marked by abnormality and constituting multiple experiences of childhood. We concluded that the scientific and socio-political guidelines that allow pediatric practice play a fundamental role in the construction of childhood of children with CD.
Childhood, Chronic disease, Performativity, Pediatric Discourse

Article Details

How to Cite
Tapia Satibañez, Jorge Alejandro; and Espejo Lopez, Marjorie Francisca. “Medical performativity of childhood in the pediatric approach of chronic diseases”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 18, no. 2, pp. 85-96,
Author Biographies

Jorge Alejandro Tapia Satibañez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Jorge Tapia, Nací en Rancagua, me crié en San Francisco de Mostazal. Psicólogo de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Actualmente me encuentro realizando un postítulo en psicodrama en el Centro de Estudios de Psicodrama de Chile. Me gusta la sociología, los estudios sociales de la ciencia y el trabajo grupal.

Marjorie Francisca Espejo Lopez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Marjorie Espejo, Psicóloga de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.