Estrategias parentales y discapacidad auditiva: su relación con la asunción de la maternidad
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Maria Elena Díaz Rico
Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali (Colòmbia)
Cesar Augusto Mejía Zuluaga
Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali (Colòmbia)
The problem we address turns around parental goals and non-deaf mother’s strategies through assuming raising deaf children and their relationship to enhance their development. To identify the strategies used to achieve their goals, gives us clues about which aspects potentiate in other families who have not reached the same level of support to their children. This is a qualitative, descriptive study through a semi-structured interview of one woman who become mother when was teenager. Our results indicated that parental goals are essential to project their deaf children raising, but this is not enough, it must be also translate into parenting strategies to get closer to achieving its goal, however this is possible only when mothers take their mother's family place and leave the place of child and come to occupy the adult.
Paraules clau
Discapacidad auditiva, Metas parentales, Estrategias parentales
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Com citar
Díaz Rico, Maria Elena; and Mejía Zuluaga, Cesar Augusto. “Estrategias parentales y discapacidad auditiva: su relación con la asunción de la maternidad”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 17, no. 2, pp. 63-73,