Devenir mujeres en la escuela. Apuntes críticos sobre las identidades de género
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Marina Tomasini
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Paula Bertarelli
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
In this article we aim at approaching a set of discussions concerning the concept of gender identity, recovering the analyzes produced over two fieldwork researches carried out in Córdoba, Argentina. We show how different groups of young women assume situa-tional generic positions that do not necessarily state a contradiction. These positions are rather contingent to the extent in which they depend on the identity demands that emerge at different interaction scenarios, even at a unique field as school. In sum, from the analy-sis of situated social relations we develop considerations about identities as plural and sit-uational constructions in transformation.
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Com citar
Tomasini, Marina; and Bertarelli, Paula. “Devenir mujeres en la escuela. Apuntes críticos sobre las identidades de género”. Quaderns de psicologia. International journal of psychology, vol.VOL 16, no. 1, pp. 181-99,